A Level Economics

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What Board do we do?  AQA

What is Economics?
Economics is the study of scarcity. As a subject, it is concerned with trying to get the most out of the limited resources that planet earth has, in order to best satisfy its population. The subject tries to answer three basic questions: What should we produce?  How should we produce it? For whom should we produce? From these basic questions, the subject is developed, dealing both in scarcity issues on a small scale (microeconomics) and those on a larger scale (macroeconomics).

Which subjects combine well with Economics?
Economics combines well with Mathematics and Further Mathematics.  It also complements Geography, Sociology, Psychology and Government & Politics. Students wishing to study Economics at Degree level may think of combining it with a science subject like Physics or Chemistry especially for applications to LSE. This demonstrates mathematical ability at this level.

What careers and University courses can Economics lead to?
A good grade in Economics at A Level is highly valued by universities and employers because it requires the student to develop a high level of critical thinking and analytical skills. Potential careers include banking, finance, accounting, financial journalism and practice as a private or public sector economist. However, it is an excellent subject for any degree as a high grade in Economics shows that a student has a wide range of skills which are very attractive to universities and employers.

Syllabus code: 7135
AS Economics has two papers:

Paper 1: The operation of markets and market failure
Written Examination, 1 hour 30 minutes, 50% of qualification
20 multiple choice questions and one data response from a choice of two
Total 70 marks

Paper 2: The national economy in a global context
Written Examination: 1 hour 30 minutes hours, 50% of qualification
20 multiple choice questions and one data response from a choice of two
Total 70 marks

A Level
Syllabus code: 7136
A Level Economics has three papers

Paper 1: Markets and Market Failure
Written examination: 2 hours
One data response from a choice of two (40 marks) + one essay from a choice of three (40 marks)
33.33% of qualification
80 marks

Paper 2: National and International Economy
Written examination: 2 hours
One data response from a choice of two (40 marks) + one essay from a choice of three (40 marks)
33.33% of qualification
80 marks

Paper 3: Economic Principles and Issues
Written examination: 2 hours
30 multiple choice questions and three questions on a case study (50 marks)
33.33% of qualification
80 marks

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University of Cambridge


University of Cambridge




Imperial College, London


Brunel University


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Queen Mary University


King's College, London


GCSE Day Student


University of Sussex


GCSE Day Student