
University of Cambridge 
A* A* A*

“It’s certainly a great feeling to have got into Cambridge. I’ll be studying a subject I’m extremely passionate about, surrounded by peers who share my excitement. Reflecting on the past two years, they’ve been the most intellectually challenging of my life. I moved to the UK and began my A Levels, initially opting for an intensive one-year course. Just two weeks in, I realised I wanted more. I set my sights on Cambridge and switched to a two-year programme. The easiest part was coming up with a dream; the hardest part was choosing to pursue that dream every day.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my philosophy teacher, Dr Pritchard. He is the one who properly introduced me to philosophy. He was very dedicated to advancing my understanding of the subject, and he remains a true role model for me.
Overall, it has been a great journey.”