We regard the safety of all of our A level and GCSE students to be of paramount importance. We follow the Safer Recruitment procedures in making staff appointments. In addition, security staff ensure that the College is a safe environment in which to study and relax.
Head of Safeguarding and Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for the whole College , whose responsibilities also include those of on-line safety, auditing the Single Central Record (SCR), and designated teacher for children in care is
Ms Nedaa Belal (Head of GCSE)
Telephone: 020 7221 6665 Ext.: 113 Out-of-Hours contact no.: 020 3220 0331
Email: nedaa@davidgame-group.com
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for the whole college is
Dr Julia Cushnir (Head of Sixth Form)
Telephone: 020 7221 6665 Ext.: 115 Out-of-Hours contact no.: 020 3220 0332
Email: j.cushnir@davidgamecollege.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) and Prevent Officer for the whole College is
Mr John Dalton (Co-Principal)
Telephone: 020 7221 6665
Email: j.dalton@davidgamecollege.com
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Boarding is
Ms Angela Williams (Head of Boarding)
Telephone: 020 7221 6665 Ext.: 106 Out-of-Hours contact no.: 07340 1089 900
Email: a.williams@boarding.davidgamecollege.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is
Ms Anne Lewis (SENCo)
Telephone: 020 7221 6665 Ext.: 105
Email: senco@davidgamecollege.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is
Mr Remi Ferguson (Head of Welfare)
Telephone: 020 7221 6665 Ext.: 121
Email: r.ferguson@teach.davidgamecollege.com
Out of Hours Emergency Contact Information
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) Part I
Please take a moment to read Keeping Children Safe in Education.
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1. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25 |