At David Game College we want all students to enjoy their courses and fulfil their potential. We place great importance on formal and informal interaction with parents and inform parents or guardians on progress at regular intervals.
Parents or guardians are strongly encouraged to attend the Parents’ Evenings that are held twice each academic year, where they can meet with teachers to discuss their child. Most students have few, if any, major problems, but these meetings will highlight any action that needs to be taken.
Not all parents can visit the College in person, and a private intranet facility (called the E- Portal) is available, which parents can access with a password to see a student’s timetable, attendance log and most recent term reports from their tutors. If there are any concerns they can arrange to phone the tutor at a pre-agreed time after the end of daily classes.
These are scheduled twice per year, once in the autumn term and once in the spring term. This is an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet teachers and Personal Tutors. Our Head of Admissions will email parents/guardians to make appointments near the time. If parents are unable to attend, alternative days to meet teachers may be organised. Similarly, if parents are living abroad a conference call can be arranged over the phone.
End-of-term reports are written at the end of the Autumn and Spring Terms. They are then available for parents and students to read via the Parents’ Portal on the College Intranet. At other times of the year, parents and guardians may request an interim report, or visit the College by arrangement in order to discuss the student’s progress.
Each parent will have a log-in pass code which enables them to look at their son or daughter’s record of attendance and test marks, as well as to read the full reports at the end of term. The e-portal can be accessed through our David Game College website through the 'portal links' in the header.
We also have text-messaging software in order to be able to contact students and their parents with any announcements: for example, if a class has to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions.
Parents and guardians are welcome to contact the College at any other time, if they have a concern or query.