In its most recent educational report, Ofsted rated David Game College’s teaching as “Outstanding” - reflecting the professionalism that the College has developed in this fundamental area. The College combines traditional tutorial techniques with modern progressive forms of learning, backed up with e-learning support. All students are provided with a copy of their subject specifications, details of recommended text books and an outline of how their course will be taught.
Emphasis is placed on examination technique from an early stage of the course. Once key topics have been covered, students are given past paper questions for homework and tests. Teaching is carried out in small groups and designed to achieve rapid learning. All teachers have a first degree in their subject and many have relevant professional teaching qualifications. Classes are closely monitored by members of the Leadership Team and teachers are regularly inspected and assessed using National Standards. Homework is set in all subjects and the College places particular importance on regular testing.
Students are provided with course notes but encouraged to make their own notes to augment those provided by teachers. Lessons are highly structured, with learning objectives being made clear and learning achieved using a combination of techniques appropriate to the lesson. Most lessons are supplemented with pre-selected and approved educational ICT support material such as YouTube clips and e-learning educational applications. The College has developed its own e-learning Moodle platform, and encourages students to access this outside of class time.
Teachers take care to correct student mistakes by carefully annotating written work in a supportive manner that helps students make progress. Lessons are designed to ensure that students receive three key elements of learning: context and purpose; key conceptual understanding; and factual recall. The College also helps students with their memory and revision skills through seminars, but all teachers assimilate examination technique into their lessons. Learning is facilitated through demonstrations, practical work (Science), visits (Economics, Art) and field trips (Geography & Biology).